What’s your story?
Everyone’s got a story when it comes to the sport they love. How they got started. Who got them motivated. What road they took to pursue their dreams. And when Be the Best plays a part in someone’s story, we know we’ve done our job.
Here’s the story of Jaycee Ruberti and how attending Be the Best Coaches’ Convention at ten years-old framed her future to become a collegiate softball player at Hofstra University.
I have played softball for as long as I can remember. And for most of that time, I dreamed of playing for Hofstra University. When I was 10 years-old, I accompanied my dad to Be the Best Clinic in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. We went from class to class, learning the different aspects of the game taught by college coaches from all over the country.
I had the good fortune of attending a session taught by Bill Edwards who, at the time, was the head softball coach at Hofstra. His instructional lecture was the most powerful and exciting I had ever heard. I asked my dad to revise my schedule so we could attend every one of Coach Edwards’ sessions.
Coach Edwards made two statements that I have never forgotten. The first was, “College coaches are looking for good people, not just good athletes.” And, because I’m an outfielder, the second statement was particularly relevant. “There’s not always a correct way to catch every single ball that’s hit. JUST CATCH IT!”
From that day on, playing at Hofstra became my dream.
As my softball career continued and the recruitment process began, I became even more determined to play at Hofstra. I started receiving interest and offers my freshman year of high school but was not willing to accept any offers until Coach Anderson (Hofstra’s new head coach) had an opportunity to see me play at least once.
In June of 2015, Coach Anderson showed up at a Team New Jersey tournament. After watching me play three consecutive games, I was invited to visit Hofstra University the following weekend. On that visit, Coach Anderson offered me a position on the 2018 Hofstra softball team.
My dream started at Be the Best and I know now that dreams do come true — with God, hard work and determination!
Thank you, Jaycee, for sharing your story. We wish you nothing but The Best, as a player and a person!
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